
After more than 10 years using my beloved Mediawiki (, I decided to convert it into static html files and stop using Mediawiki :(.

Why? Because maintaining a Mediawiki is a pain when you’re using a lot of extensions. In addition, I’m not using Mediawiki anymore at work, not really following the evolution, don’t want to keep maintaining php/mariadb/nginx and upgrading Mediawiki configuration can be complex as well.

I really love markdown solutions generating static files like Hugo and I already did it whith my previous Wordpress. Unfortunately, I didn’t found any solution to convert a Mediawiki instance to another markdown solution, so I prefered stop using it.

I used this script to convert it to html:

wget --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension \
      --convert-links --no-parent -R "*Special*" -R "Special*" -R "*action=*" \
      -R "*printable=*"  -R "*oldid=*" -R "*title=Talk:*" \
      -R "*limit=*" ""

Then I added it to GitHub and enabled pages. Now all my technical post will be available on my blog.