In previous posts, I talked about why I switched from iOS to Android.
After 1 year and a half, after 3 different Android phones (Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Samsung Galaxy S5), I’m finally going to switch back to iOS. For several reasons in facts but the major ones are those:
Application quality lower than on iOS Lower global stability on Samsung Touchwizz and Cyanogen I was pretty happy with Google Stock ROM, however it’s not available on all devices and the Nexus do not have the better hardware (not talking about Nexus 6).
Cyanogen is finally available on Sumsung Galaxy S5 Europe (klte) :-). Thanks Cyanogen Team! For the moment, you can only grab nighly builds but everything is working fine on it.
Regarding the difference with the Samsung ROM, I noticed the battery life time is a little bit reduced (up to 15% depending on your usage). Camera is working fine, calls, screen etc… are ok too. I only have minor bugs that I don’t really care in fact.
As you may know, related to a previous post, I was using Aviate launcher on Android. I was so happy with it that I started to speak about it around me and promoted it.
My friend Romaric (@evoxmusic) informed me that this software required too much access in his opinion and that I should look at the privacy policy of Aviate.
After starting reading it, I could find this:
we may collect Personal Information such as your name, email address, phone number, location information, unique device identifier, and third-party account credentials (for example, your log-in credentials for Facebook or other third party sites)
I recently changed my smartphone (yes once again) because I was very interested in Galaxy S5 features compared to Nexus 5:
Waterproof: better when you got child’s and can record video underwater! Better autonomy: I can have a normal day without charging it! Better camera: once again when you have child’s…The camera makes very good photos compared to Nexus 5. Bigger screen: not a big point for me but it is better Storage: can add a micro SD card.

I wanted to upgrade my Android version from Cyanogen 10 to 11M5 on my old Samsung Galaxy S2. I though it would be an easy task, but not at all.
First of all, I had to be in recovery mod (bottom button + vol up + power). Then I wanted to create a /sdcard but it didn’t want to mount and I didn’t want to format my sdcard. So I mounted a tmpfs onto it:
As you may read, I recently decided to drop Cyanogen :-(. Google Now interface is fine, but not enough user oriented for now days in my opinion. A few months ago, a friend (@sebastien_han) show me Aviate and switched to it. This is an interface that helps you day to day to show you informations and apps you need depending on your localization. I really love it!
Last week I discovered Cover which is a solution for the lockscreen.

This post is to talk about my experiences on Cyanogen. I’m using this ROM since a long time now. When I was on my Galaxy S2, it was perfect! I do not remember to have special issues. I was using nightlies and it was stable enough for me.
When I switched to Nexus 4, it was not too bad, but I sometimes had problems on updates that forced me to restore.