Puppetlabs recently made a book con Continuous Delivery and offer that book. Continuous delivery allows you to get new features and capabilities to market quickly and reliably. But what is this methodology, really, and what’s required to get started? This new, introductory ebook will share: What continuous delivery is and isn’t Why continuous delivery is important to your business How to get started with the cultural technological changes required to practice continuous delivery You can download it there

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I red that book a long time ago now and absolutely recommend that book !!! This is a must have and read ! It helps you to have a good organization in your day to day life as a system administrator. In addition, it will gives you bests practices to accomplish some tasks and rules to stay focus on your work. I repeat again : if you didn’t read that book yet, do it now !

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As you may know, I’m a MediaWiki’s fan. I manage and use it since 2006 and you can see what I do with on my wiki. I’ve always learned by myself, how to do things on MediaWiki as my needs were classical and for a single user. Some weeks ago, I’ve made a big upgrade for the last company I’ve worked for (Linagora) and I wanted to implement interesting features for a multi users usage.

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J’ai commencé à lire ce livre après avoir repensé toute ma conf puppet et c’est un peu dommage, j’aurais gagné du temps sur certaines choses. Bref ce livre s’adresse aux personnes ayant déjà fait du Puppet (normal c’est un cookbook), qui veulent automatiser au maximum. Voyez ce bouquin comme un retour d’expérience avec les best practices à adopter pour faire une bonne conf Puppet. Pour vous donner un exemple, ce sera aussi mon retour d’expérience, j’ai utilisé Puppet pendant 2 ans et demie avec les fonctionnalités classiques et légèrement poussées.

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France