The goal of this documentation is how to quickly setup a monitoring screen machine for Nagios/Shinken. Several times in several company I had to do that kind of thing. On Mac OS and Linux.
I finished to create a documentation for the next times I’ll have to deploy such things. The idea is to have a machine that nobody never touch once installed. It’s always boring to plug a keyboard and a mouse when somethings goes wrong on this kind of machine that you normally never have to touch.
This is not my first post on Beamer and not the first time I say I really like this piece of software.
As for LaTeX’s newbies it’s not really easy to start Beamer and as many people liked my last slides on MariaDB/MySQL. More than that, I had to make a presentation on DRBD at work and I’ve decided to write it with Beamer.
My colleagues appreciated the look and LaTeX format.
You certainly know and have used the default MediaWiki search. It’s quite good but it’s not an optimal search. I wanted to have better one for my wiki that’s why I added Google search some years ago.
I didn’t want to setup Apache Lucene or Apache Solar as both are in Java. I always heard good feedback about Sphinx, that’s why I decided to add it at work and to my wiki as well.
Last week, I’ve assisted to a webinar organized by Puppet Labs. The talk was about PackStack which is a solution to deploy OpenStack in a production environment.
How does PackStack works ? Some of you may tell me that DevStack do the same thing. But I warn once again about DevStack which is absolutely not build for production usages ! PackStack is a bundle of current modules for OpenStack available on Puppet Forge.
Vagrant is a fast solution build on top of VirtualBox. I already talked about it in a previous post.
The thing is, you could do really more with Vagrant by adding Puppet manifests or Chef recipes in your Vagrant configuration file. For those who don’t often use one of those 2 softwares, it quickly could transform into a nightmare when they want to deploy softwares in addition of the OS.
Some of you already told me how complicated the setup of my software configurations could be. Depending on which configuration you’re talking about, it may be more or less complicated to install in the good folders, launching the good commands etc…
In addition, sometimes I need to set up a quick desktop environment with my preferences and deploy all I need may take a while. That’s why I’ve written some scripts (in Python and shell script) to help on deploying all my configuration and all the packages I wish.
Hi everyone ! As you know I recently started to play with LXC :-)
At the beginning of my tests, I unfortunately found an annoying bug which avoid performing correct Debian installation over LVM.
I tried to resolve it by myself but didn’t had enough time to finish my investigation. After quick searches, I found that other people found the bug on github :
As a rule, I searched it on Debian bugs list but nothing was reported.