I’m using Jeedom for several years now. Using it with official box, Raspberry, Synology… I wanted to write down some notes, especially things I’ve done in order to find them if one day I needed them.
Here are additional stuffs I’m using:
A GSM USB key (Huawei E3372) An Elero USB key (Elero Transmitter Stick) A Z-Wave key (Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5) Installation After Jeedom install, here are the Debian packages I needed:
Sometimes, you need to have a separate OS from your running one for testing purposes. Running Linux or Windows is straightforward in nowadays using Virtualization. However, running Mac OS is still a nightmare.
This is why I’ve searched and found 2 exciting projects that I wanted to share. The first one is based on VirtualBox, while the second one on KVM.
The funniest part is that both solutions are simply shell scripts :).
Several times I had to install Arch Linux those 8 past years. Not because it’s not stable but because I changed hardware. Any time it was a pain to remind me how to do stuff during the install process. I really love this Linux distribution, but I have to admit the install process is far complex that what we found on other distribution.
I never did a how to and once again I wasted my time on reading the doc etc…but I just wanted to go fast.
I’m managing applications inside Kubernetes for more than 2 years for MySocialApp a social news feed solution and recently Referlab, an impressive referral marketing solution. If you follow me, you certainly know that I’ve made multiple Helm charts on distributed technologies like:
Cassandra Helm chart Elasticsearch Helm chart Traefik Helm chart After several years of experience on it, you can trust me when I say managing statefulset on Kubernetes is not the easiest thing to do.
Since several years, I’m hosting a lot of things: blog, wiki, emails etc… I’ve played with Vserver, OpenVZ, KVM and finaly LXC. For years, I’ve learned how to use all of them but the most known solution during the last years is Docker.
I even can remeber the first Meetup I’ve attended in Paris talking about Docker 5 years ago. Now containers are eveverywhere. I recently changed the server I’m running for my own usage and this was the good timing to switch from LXC to Docker.
WireGuard is a very good alternative to OpenVPN. I’ve been using OpenVPN for more than 10 years now and I was happy until I understood how slow it can be on low energy devices like EdgeRouter.
To give you an idea, on my Fiber Home connection (200Mbps), I’m limited to 18Mbps. With OpenVPN, I’m reaching the maximum CPU usage on the EdgeRouter. I’ve heard of WireGuard about a year now and it was time for me to test this interresting alternative.
I’ve a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter PoE since several years now and really like it. Fanless, small, running on Debian (unfortunately not really up to date) and powerful.
However I recently had issues with the disk. Simply dead and obviously a reboot didn’t repaired it. I’ve been searching solutions on the official forum to replace the disk and I was surprised about the fact it runs on a simple USB stick. I decided to replace it with a Kingston one: