Some of you already told me how complicated the setup of my software configurations could be. Depending on which configuration you’re talking about, it may be more or less complicated to install in the good folders, launching the good commands etc…
In addition, sometimes I need to set up a quick desktop environment with my preferences and deploy all I need may take a while. That’s why I’ve written some scripts (in Python and shell script) to help on deploying all my configuration and all the packages I wish.
2 years ago, I bought the best helmet from HJC to replace my old XR-1000 Shoei. I really enjoyed the XR-1000 but after 5 years of usages, I really needed to change.
I bought HJC Ben Spies replica because vendor convinced me that HJC was a really good outsider. The first 2 months, I was happy of my new helmet. Then I got problem with the helmet strap which broke and the visor’s rubber (rain bypassed it).
To continue yesterday’s post, I’ve wrote a documentation on different backups solutions for the Galera Cluster (in french).
As for classical MySQL backups, XtraBackup win the challenge.
I red that book a long time ago now and absolutely recommend that book !!!
This is a must have and read ! It helps you to have a good organization in your day to day life as a system administrator. In addition, it will gives you bests practices to accomplish some tasks and rules to stay focus on your work.
I repeat again : if you didn’t read that book yet, do it now !
Today is my first skydiving :-). As this post has been written yesterday evening, I should now be in a plane to jump or falling like a stone. I’ll try to add a picture once finished ! Keep updated :-)
Update : are are some pictures, it was amazing
This is my last month in Linagora. I enjoyed working with people as skilled as this, as friendly and I’ll miss them. I There I discovered events like Meetups or FOSDEM and understood a lot of things regarding open sources communities.
Well, now my new job will start on 3rd of July. I’ll keep you up to date when I’ll start it and tell you where I’m going to work :-)
Since I’m an Android user, I try to find all apps that daily helps me. As I’ve spent several hours to test and configure them, I would like to share my experience with other peoples that want to switch from iOS like me.
First of all, you need advanced features if you are a poweruser. So get root privileges. Then install a mod like CyanogenMod. It will gives you more features to fine tune battery, CPU etc…