I wish to my reader a very good year ! This should be a great year, with good posts and news :-).
Stay tuned 😉
Thanks for all voters. I expected more participants (compared to the number of followers) but it gives me here a good indication on what you want me to focus on.
You may already seen that this week I made less blog posts as I didn’t have any quite big subjects to talk about or time to prepare.
Thanks to follow me, I’ll try to make better posts new but a little bit less.
I recently had a gift, this is a connected strap, the Jawbone UP24 model. It doesn’t do a lot of things, but what it does works well.
I wanted one with a good autonomy. And a recent firmware update grew from 7 days to 14 the number of days the battery autonomy. I also wanted a strap able to give me information on night I’ve spent, doesn’t let me sleep all the afternoon during a siesta.

One of my ex-boss talked to me about Coursera a year ago. It’s a website where you can freely learn several things from high graduated school. Most ofter, it’s technology related and I wanted to test it to learn Java.
I subscribed to 2 sessions. One for the java basics and the other one for the object oriented aspect (in french). I’ve started it a few weeks ago the first part and what I can say is, it’s very good.

Like me you may heard of Netflix for the first time a few months ago because of the announcement in Europe. However it’s a massively used solution in the US since several years.
Today Netflix is out and you can freely have a month to discover Netflix. For the moment there are not a lot of films and series, but enough in my opinion to be an interesting solution. Of course because of the French laws, films are more than 3 years old and I hope this will change or I’m not sure it will be competitive enough.
The day has finally come! After several months of intensive work (weekends and nights), I’m proud to announce that my book on MariaDB High Performance is out!
In that book, I made my best to make things as simple as possible to test features, test solutions and to explain everything in the simplest way. Of course if you’re a beginner on MariaDB (and Linux), it may be hard. But if you’re familiar with basics and want to go further with performances and high availability on MariaDB, you’ll enjoy it.

I recently tested Photo Station on Synology because I was searching a solution to store my photos and accessible through internet with a web interface. I tested Photo Station and was not convinced by the solution as there are several bugs
Does not retain some default preferences Forget to make some thumbnails when importing a lot of photos in several albums etc… I tested AWS backups and even if the price is correct, it’s too slow for restoring in my opinion.