I recently played with HAProxy and discovered that I’ve never made a documentation regarding this fantastic software. So if you don’t know what HAProxy is, it’s a load balancer working on layer 7 and specialized for http protocol. It is able to handle sticky sessions which is really powerful. More than that, it has a small footprint and can work under a high load traffic. Here is my documentation.

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FOSDEM 2014: day 1

Once again the FOSDEM has given awesome talks ! This years I was more focused to SQL and NOSQL databases. I wanted to also see Puppet related conferences, but they were full like the last year. Getting started with MySQL Performance Schema First of all, I started with a MySQL Performance Schema presentation : http://dimitrik.free.fr/mysqltechday_2013_10/MySQL_PFS_2013-dim.pdf I saw that I had underestimated the power of Performance schema ! We can for example see iowaits and waiting time on tables files.

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Some of you may already know that I’ve been contacted by Packt Publishing to write a book. As every aware persons asked me why I was contacted, here is the story : When I was working for Linagora, I gave a training on advanced usage on MySQL/MariaDB. Unfortunately there weren’t slides on that subject at this moment and I had to make them all. That’s what I did and made an unbranded version for me as well.

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The SkySQL meeting was really good yesterday ! We’ve seen MariaDB 10 new features, had a presentation of Galera cluster and a complicated (but good) explanation of a complex infrastructure that required write scaling. This was the my first SkySQL Meet-Up and I can’t wait until the next one :-). Congratulation SkySQL, one of the best Meet Up I’ve seen !

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Galera uses a preallocated file with a specific size called gcache, used to store the writesets in circular buffer style. By default, its size is 128MB and it’s a good idea to upgrade it to a higher value. I’ve updated my documentation on that if you want to check. In addition, you can find more informations, I suggest a Severalnines link.

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France