I’ve first heard of Page Speed last year for Apache. I was really waiting a stable version for Nginx and it’s now done. A few days ago, Nicolargo made a post regarding it and that’s what motivated me to go ahead on Page Speed.
PageSpeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time. This open-source webserver module automatically applies web performance best practices to pages and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow.
I discovered Dotdeb a few months ago and decided to make a quick documentation to install the repository. But before, here is the official explaination of what is the repository made for :
Dotdeb is a repository containing packages to turn your Debian boxes into powerful, stable and up-to-date LAMP servers :
Nginx PHP 5.4 and 5.3, useful PHP extensions : APC, imagick, Pinba, xcache, Xdebug, XHprof… MySQL 5.

Varnish is a real powerful cache solution for web servers. He is unfortunately not able to do it over SSL. Anyway, there is a solution by offloading it with Nginx. Here is a schema to get a better understanding :
Nginx decrypt SSL, pass it in clear to Varnish. If Varnish got it, replies to Nginx which crypt back data to send to user.
I’ve made a full documentation to get it working well, follow the link.

Piwik 2.0 has been released a few days ago. The upgrade of my version was done without any issues (as a rule with Piwik).
I like the look of this new version and like the new mobile application on Android. It’s really better organized and really looks like as an application (compared with the first version).
There are some new interesting features for professionals (not for my personal usage).
If you don’t know it yet, it’s a good alternative to Google Analytics and you should try it.

I’ve updated DeleteHistory extension to :
Add Brazilian Portuguese language Fix minor bug on reporting array You can easily install the new version with Git as described in the official Mediawiki webpage.
Hope you’ll enjoy this update

I recently needed to set a website in maintenance and wanted to do it as quickly as possible with any restart of Nginx.
The idea is to add a maintenance.html page at the root of your web folder and then the maintenance page is automatically taken into account.
To do it, simply follow the link (in french).

To be able to monitor the PHP-FPM service with connections, queue information, process… you’ll need to set the status page. This will give you something like this :
pool: www process manager: dynamic start time: 18/Dec/2013:19:00:41 +0100 start since: 52972 accepted conn: 5268 listen queue: 0 max listen queue: 0 listen queue len: 0 idle processes: 3 active processes: 1 total processes: 4 max active processes: 4 max children reached: 0 Those informations are important to correctly tune the PHP-FPM service.