What a topic ! It could sounds like a patent troll but let me explain why I posted it.
First of all, I do not have strong skills on Arch Linux, but so many people talked to me about it and have praised me the merit of that distribution that I absolutely needed to test it. Before, I was on Debian testing and had some setbacks that encouraged me to look ahead to find a better solution.
Big warning about that tool ! I’ve never seen a such tool ! You can delete your old xls file or wiki pages related on IP informations. phpipam is simply awesome ! I’ve been waiting this tool so many years !
Here are some very interesting features :
Import IP addresses from XLS / CSV file E-Mail notification with IP details Subnet statistics Displays free range and number of clients A reservation process A really nice look If you want to try it, there is a demo site : demo.
You certainly know and have used the default MediaWiki search. It’s quite good but it’s not an optimal search. I wanted to have better one for my wiki that’s why I added Google search some years ago.
I didn’t want to setup Apache Lucene or Apache Solar as both are in Java. I always heard good feedback about Sphinx, that’s why I decided to add it at work and to my wiki as well.
The 3.6 version of WordPress is out and finally bring a killer feature that I was waiting for more than 3 years now.
This feature is embedding videos without requesting additional extension and specific tags, it’s a built-in HTML5 media player. It was already possible to add videos but they weren’t playable directly on the page, it was a link.
As I manage the blog of my daughter, this is a really good news.
Vagrant is a fast solution build on top of VirtualBox. I already talked about it in a previous post.
The thing is, you could do really more with Vagrant by adding Puppet manifests or Chef recipes in your Vagrant configuration file. For those who don’t often use one of those 2 softwares, it quickly could transform into a nightmare when they want to deploy softwares in addition of the OS.
As you may know, I’m a MediaWiki’s fan. I manage and use it since 2006 and you can see what I do with on my wiki.
I’ve always learned by myself, how to do things on MediaWiki as my needs were classical and for a single user. Some weeks ago, I’ve made a big upgrade for the last company I’ve worked for (Linagora) and I wanted to implement interesting features for a multi users usage.
I tested some months ago TinyTiny RSS but it wasn’t exactly what I expected from an RSS reader. That’s why, when Google announced their Reader’s end, I wanted to quickly find a reader that can fit my needs and have enough time to test it.
Fever answered most of them, instead of the mobile client. When I was on iPhone Reeder was nearly perfect, but not really Android with Meltdown.