Next Wednesday, a meetup will take place in Paris talking about Elasticsearch. My previous post was talking about a log solution using Elasticsearch. During that meetup, an overview of how Elasticsearch powerful real-time capabilities enrich Hadoop development. The session will showcase how to perform real-time searches on top and within Hadoop, Hive, Pig or Cascading jobs to get better answers, fast. We’ll cover architectural topics such as index scalability, data locality and partitioning between the Hadoop cluster and the search index, using off and on-premise storages (HDFS, S3, local file-systems) and multi-tenancy.

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Managing logs is not a complicated tasks with classical syslog systems (syslog-ng, rsyslog…). However, being able to search in them quickly when you have several gigabit of logs, with scalability, with a nice graphical interface etc…is not the same thing. Hopefully today, tools that permit to do it very well exists, here are the list of tools that’s we’re going to use to achieve it: Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

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Vagrant and Ansible are out in version 1.6! They are both bringing new super features. For Vagrant, each major versions are bringing incredible features, this time they are: Global Status and Control: Global Status shows you the status of all created Vagrant environments on your machine. Global Control lets you control any of these created environments from anywhere on your machine. You unfortunately need to have VM created under 1.

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As you may know, I’m using and loving MariaDB. A colleague recently introduced me the benefits of the php built-in MySQL/MariaDB library (shame on me, I never heard of it). Here are the informations you can find from it on the MySQL website: The mysqlnd library is highly optimized for and tightly integrated into PHP. The MySQL Client Library cannot offer the same optimizations because it is a general-purpose client library.

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On next Monday, a meetup will take place in Paris concerning Big Data with Twitter feeback. This meetup will be live retransmitted through YouTube. The main talk will speak about how Twitter did to scale to millions of users: Twitter is one of the most heavily trafficked sites on the internet, with over 240 million active users and serving over 500 million Tweets per day. Twitter, as a company and as a service has seen remarkable growth in its eight years of existence.

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My last post was about existing alternatives to Dropbox. I also mentioned that I was trying Seafile. I’m running now Seafile since a few days now and it works without any issues. The Linux and Android clients works very well. I just hope a sync feature in the Android version will appear. Regarding the web version, there are all attending collaboration features and that’s great. Seafile supports file versioning and trash bin.

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Recently a new person as joined the administration of Dropbox called Condoleezza Rice. The problem is: this person is known to have allowed phone tapping in the US. So should be thrust in Dropbox anymore ? For me not really. That’s why I wanted to look at alternatives. I already tested Owncloud but was plenty of bugs. Also a french post about that situation has been made. I’ve looked at alternatives and Seafile looks like the best alternative to Dropbox and Owncloud.

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France