As you may read, I recently decided to drop Cyanogen :-(. Google Now interface is fine, but not enough user oriented for now days in my opinion. A few months ago, a friend (@sebastien_han) show me Aviate and switched to it. This is an interface that helps you day to day to show you informations and apps you need depending on your localization. I really love it! Last week I discovered Cover which is a solution for the lockscreen.

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In France, we have the chance to have an ISP/Mobile Telephony provider called Free. They considerably reduced the market price for the Mobile phone communications in 2012. This was very fine for competition and for French people. Now we can have correct prices for Internet and cell phone data. Thanks to Free. Ceph is quite the same as Free but for storage systems. Since many years, disks array constructors sold us locked solutions with a very high cost of hardware and licenses’ software.

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A big and major issue on OpenSSL has been discovered and everybody is talking about it. To get more informations, there’s a website. How to check the vulnerability, download this file: chmod 755 Now launch it: ./ Connecting... Sending Client Hello... Waiting for Server Hello... ... received message: type = 22, ver = 0302, length = 66 ... received message: type = 22, ver = 0302, length = 5559 .

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Yes once again and for a long time now I think, I moved to i3. It does not make so many thing than Awesome, however working on multiple screen with it, it’s better. That’s why I wanted to make a new test with it and it’s now adopted. I spent a little bit time on reconfiguring all my needs (workspaces depending my screen configuration, opening app on a defined workspace, keyboard bindings etc…).

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This post is to talk about my experiences on Cyanogen. I’m using this ROM since a long time now. When I was on my Galaxy S2, it was perfect! I do not remember to have special issues. I was using nightlies and it was stable enough for me. When I switched to Nexus 4, it was not too bad, but I sometimes had problems on updates that forced me to restore.

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And finally MariaDB 10 is out! I’m exited to finish my book about it. Here are the news: Replication MariaDB 10 sets a new standard in performance. It is many times faster than previous generations of MariaDB and especially legacy database MySQL thanks to new features including parallel replication and a further advanced group commit. Also, the replication slaves are now crash-safe. It’s also now possible to replicate data from multiple master servers giving a complete view of the distributed data across big datasets for real-time analytical purposes via the multi-source replication feature.

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France