When you have a huge amount of mail to deliver, you can’t release the queue at once and let the server maximize the outgoing mail throughput ! The result will be: you’ll get blacklisted from a lot of MX servers. That’s why you should take care of it and do traffic shaping. I’ve wrote a little tips on it.

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The 1.5 version of Vagrant has been released and that’s awesome ! They finally did a Cloud where all Vagrant boxes could (https://vagrantcloud.com/) be inventoried and easily deployed through command line ! You can find my boxes here. If you want to add one, it’s really simple: vagrant box add deimosfr/debian-wheezy And the second awesome feature is…the sharing! You can for example have access to a distant and nated Vagrant instance through SSH!

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I recently played with HAProxy and discovered that I’ve never made a documentation regarding this fantastic software. So if you don’t know what HAProxy is, it’s a load balancer working on layer 7 and specialized for http protocol. It is able to handle sticky sessions which is really powerful. More than that, it has a small footprint and can work under a high load traffic. Here is my documentation.

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One of my colleague (Sebastien Han) started to play (like me) with Ansible. As he is a Ceph master, he often deploy Ceph for tests or production. He generally uses Puppet for that purpose. But due to some Puppet limitations or big brain fuck it involves, he started to play with Ansible and created a Ceph module for it. He showed me it, when he was writing it and it seamed working like a charm.

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It’s been a while now that I’ve heard of Ansible but I only started playing with a week ago. You may certainly know that I’m a Puppet lover, but this solution is more powerful than Puppet in my opinion. So I started to migrate my personal Puppet to Ansible just to play with. Here are the pros: No client needed on the clients, only SSH! It’s written in Python By default a lot of modules Not only a configuration management tool, it’s an orchestrator too!

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France