A long long time since my last blog post ! I didn’t had the time to make one because of the time I spent on building Nousmotards infrastructure. If you’re interested in how I built the infrastructure, come and see us on the Ansible Meetup next Tuesday 😉 The slides and video of the Meetup will be made and available on InfoQ. If you’re a French biker, do not hesitate anymore!

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I recently had the chance to get the latest MacBookPro 13 for my new work at Criteo. If you follow me and remember, this is not the first time I want to use Debian on a new MacBookPro version. Overview History repeats itself and as you can think, some things are not working out of the box on Debian Jessie. Here are the issues I encountered and how i could fix some of them:

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Debian 8 is out ! After several months of freeze, it’s now ready. I’m really happy about that version because MySecureShell is finally available in the mainstream packages and the second thing is MariaDB available in the latest stable version (10). Unfortunately, Docker is not present because it has too fast cycles to be stable (source). Thanks to Debian teams for this amazing work once again :-)

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I spent nearly 2 years at eNovance/RedHat, it was a great adventure, now I’m glad to start a new job at Criteo today! I’ll be in charge of storage technologies around big data. My future blog posts will of course evolve to this kind of technologies too. However as I’ve side projects, there still will have several kind of subjects. Really happy to start this new job :-)

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Un blog post en français cette fois ci, car ça ne concerne que les Français (pour l’instant) pour vous expliquer le nouveau projet que j’entreprends avec 2 amis. L’idĂ©e est simple, vous ĂȘtes motards, vous aimez les balades Ă  moto…l’application est faites pour vous ! Aucune application n’est Ă  l’heure actuelle disponible sur Smartphone qui fait ce que nous proposons. Il s’agit d’une application Ă  la Facebook like, ou vous pouvez inviter des amis, crĂ©er des clubs de moto, proposer et planifier des itinĂ©raires, partager vos parcours effectuĂ©s et beaucoup d’autres choses.

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For a new project (will talk about it later), I needed to use Neo4J (graph database if you don’t know it yet). I tried to cover more features than the current existing Ansible roles available on Ansible Galaxy. More will come in the next weeks. I also tried to make it simple to install it and do not force dependencies at maximum. Here are parameters you can set: # Select neo4j version neo4j_package: neo4j # community version #neo4j_package: neo4j-advanced #neo4j_package: neo4j-enterprise # Neo4j spatial plugin neo4j_install_spatial: false neo4j_spatial_version: '0.

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Since several weeks, I’m playing a lot with Debian Jessie as a server. I discovered some bugs, reported them to Debian, they’ve been fixed etc…good news! I also wanted to test the new version of LXC. So I decided to upgrade my 2 personal servers to Jessie. But that wasn’t so easy with Systemd. I still encounter non critical issues and going to prepare report bugs for Debian (cgroups issues with systemd).

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Author's picture

Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France