In my last post you’ve seen the Ansible playbook I’ve made for ElasticSearch. I’ve made a new one, but for Kibana which is able to easily manage version upgrade and of course is easy to install and use.
You can find my Kibana playbook on GitHub.
The next once will of course be related to fluentd :-)
As I’m an Ansible fan, I’ve created a playbook for it available on GitHub and on the Ansible Galaxy. You’ll be able to add additional plugins like Head, Curator, Mavel…
I hope you’ll enjoy it.

I recently migrated this server to a new one. New hardware, better performance, less power consumption etc…Thanks Online.
I’m already using LXC on my home server and see the benefits for 8 months ago. That’s why I decided to migrate this server to LXC as well. The difference here is that I wanted to migrate my VM from KVM. All my KVM VM are on Debian Wheezy so that was pretty easy.

I’ve recently updated my LXC role for ansible. You can get it like that:
ansible-galaxy install deimosfr.lxc Here is the change log:
+ Adding new parameters for dnsmasq and interfaces + Adding new prequesite to avoid unwanted modules to load in the latest kernel versions = Corrected networking configuration issue = Templates do not create @LOCALSTATEDIR@ folder anymore It works perfectly on my new Dedibox :-)

I started to play with Ansible a little bit more than a week ago and I really enjoy it compared to Puppet. I still do not have all my reflex that I can have on Puppet, however what I can say is how easy it is to start making complicated things on Ansible!
I started to rewrite my Puppet manifests to Ansible playbooks and what I can say is it’s really fast and easy.

Vagrant and Ansible are out in version 1.6! They are both bringing new super features.
For Vagrant, each major versions are bringing incredible features, this time they are:
Global Status and Control: Global Status shows you the status of all created Vagrant environments on your machine. Global Control lets you control any of these created environments from anywhere on your machine. You unfortunately need to have VM created under 1.
A meetup on Ansible and SaltStack will take place in Paris next Monday. It unfortunately has not been initiated on the traditional meet up website and you may missed it like me.
So if you’re interested by those two configuration tool outsiders, follow the link. Both tools are written in Python, that why it is a Python meetup at first.
I’m happy to participate to the meetup as this is the first one, I’m sure I’ll learn interesting things on it and meet new faces :-)