I recently discover Aptly which permit to manage local Debian repositories. I waited this kind of tools during several years and now I’m really happy. It is able to manage several repositories, making snapshots, merging snapshots, diff between 2 snapshots, filtering packages to avoid downloading unwanted ones…. This is perfect when you want to test before upgrading a critical infrastructure.

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The first thing you generally want to do when you have any new Storage system like SSD, Disk arrays or a Cluster Ceph, is benching. You will want to know how can read and write throughput. FIO is able to do that for you, here is an example: [global] ioengine=libaio invalidate=1 ramp_time=5 direct=1 size=5G runtime=300 time_based directory=/home [seq-read] rw=read bs=64K stonewall [rand-read] rw=randread bs=4K stonewall [seq-write] rw=write bs=64K stonewall [rand-write] rw=randwrite bs=4K stonewall You then will have a good output of everything you need to know.

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I recently heard of HSTS which is a way to force users to come back to your website in SSL if they’ve already be to HTTPS once. It is simple, just add this line: # HSTS (force users to come in SSL if they've already been once) add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"; If you want to have an overview of a complete configuration with it, look at the my wiki.

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Because of the recent announce from DotDeb about PHP 5.6 availability on Debian, I saw that I totally forgot to move from PHP 5.4 to 5.5. As I’m hosting several WordPress, Mediawiki, Piwik and other PHP web software, I was not very comfortable with that migration. I knew that the major change was on PHP cache. I was intensively using APC cache but in PHP 5.5, it is deprecated and Opcache replace it.

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I recently played with ElasticSearch Cluster and I totally fall in love! How easy it is, everything is automatic, it works perfectly, wowwww!!! I made a little documentation on how to setup one, you can find it there. ElasticSearch is a really powerful solution and I really like working with it. If you’re searching a full text search solution, try ElasticSearch, you’ll be happy!

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I recently wanted to update my Vagrant box running Debian Wheezy. The problem is, the box size is growing on each updates for several reasons. And I prefer to create a new box from scratch on any new Debian release. Starting from scratch each time is a little bit boring, that’s why I created a preseed file (french). That made the install automatically, however I always had to do other step by hands (or need to write a script for it).

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You may know that I really like LXC and the major problem when you want to use that solution in production is: how do you monitor memory and CPU? Regarding the CPU side, I do not have an easy answer for the moment :-(. However regarding the memory, I’ve made a Nagios/Naemon check which will check the memory (RAM) and SWAP of a container. Here is how to use it:

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France