I recently heard of HSTS which is a way to force users to come back to your website in SSL if they’ve already be to HTTPS once. It is simple, just add this line:
# HSTS (force users to come in SSL if they've already been once) add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"; If you want to have an overview of a complete configuration with it, look at the my wiki.
Because of the recent announce from DotDeb about PHP 5.6 availability on Debian, I saw that I totally forgot to move from PHP 5.4 to 5.5.
As I’m hosting several WordPress, Mediawiki, Piwik and other PHP web software, I was not very comfortable with that migration. I knew that the major change was on PHP cache. I was intensively using APC cache but in PHP 5.5, it is deprecated and Opcache replace it.
I recently tested Photo Station on Synology because I was searching a solution to store my photos and accessible through internet with a web interface. I tested Photo Station and was not convinced by the solution as there are several bugs
Does not retain some default preferences Forget to make some thumbnails when importing a lot of photos in several albums etc… I tested AWS backups and even if the price is correct, it’s too slow for restoring in my opinion.
I recently worked on a client issues because of massive SQL injections. As it wasn’t easily for the client to fix on the application side and the request was urgent, I dig into writing fail2ban custom rules and it works quite well.
I decided to adapt those rules to block bruteforce login attack for WordPress. The problem is WordPress is not returning 403 error code when a user fail to logon but return a 200 instead :-/.
I recently played with ElasticSearch Cluster and I totally fall in love! How easy it is, everything is automatic, it works perfectly, wowwww!!!
I made a little documentation on how to setup one, you can find it there.
ElasticSearch is a really powerful solution and I really like working with it. If you’re searching a full text search solution, try ElasticSearch, you’ll be happy!
Next week I’m going to teach basics computer science to future Engineers on Linux/HTML/CSS at ENSTA (Ecole Nationale des Techniques AvancĂ©es).
This is the first time I will teach to students so I hope it will as interesting as for professionals (or more) :-).
I will teach during 1 week so blog posts may slow down a little bit. Now I’m crossing fingers for this week :-p
Thanks Marc fort this experience :-)
I forgot to talk about 1 meetup I’ve been regarding Neo4j. A friend (evomusic) talked to me about it and as I’m curious, I went to this meetup in July. Neo4j is a highly scalable, robust (fully ACID) native graph database. Neo4j is used in mission-critical apps by thousands of leading startups, enterprises, and governments around the world.
I you don’t know what is a graph database, it’s a very good introduction and will help you to understand what it is and how it works.