I recently switched to iOS and there are unfortunately no really full featured application to support Tiny RSS. I tested several but didn’t find anyone that fully answer my requests. I remembered that there was a very good RSS reader on iOS called Reeder. Unfortunately it doesn’t support any self hosted solution instead of Fever. I already used it a few months ago. But I switched to TinyTiny RSS for several reasons and want to keep it.

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In previous posts, I talked about why I switched from iOS to Android. After 1 year and a half, after 3 different Android phones (Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Samsung Galaxy S5), I’m finally going to switch back to iOS. For several reasons in facts but the major ones are those: Application quality lower than on iOS Lower global stability on Samsung Touchwizz and Cyanogen I was pretty happy with Google Stock ROM, however it’s not available on all devices and the Nexus do not have the better hardware (not talking about Nexus 6).

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I’m so happy on Android now. That’s right that graphic quality on standard iOS applications are better finished and ergonomic is better. Anyway even with new interface and features on iOS 7, there are still remaining work in comparison of Android. And what about new Apple features ?… Not really relevant one :-( I’ll test it later on my iPad but I’m still frustrated even if it’s better than the latests keynotes.

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I’ve wrote several posts on this blog since 2 years while trying to switch from iOS to Android. The first time I tried, I was on a 2.x version of Android and a lot of missing features didn’t helped me to switch. My cell phone was a Samsung Galaxy S2 and I really can’t stand on Samsung Touchwizz layer. That why I decided to install a Mod called Cyanogen (you’ve certainly already have heard of this).

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Hello a tous, Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, configurer Gmail comme si c’était un serveur exchange sur leurs iPhone va bientôt ne plus fonctionner. Le service ferme ses portes pour les comptes gratuits fin janvier. Google fait ça pour 2 raisons : La licence a payer a Microsoft pour utiliser ActiveSync. Parce que Microsoft n’a toujours pas ouvert les standards libre sur ces terminaux. Pour se passer d’Exchange sur son iPhone et le configurer pour avoir l’équivalence des services, voici comment faire…

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Back to iPhone ! Je n’en pouvait plus d’Android ! C’est pourtant bien, mais trop loin du confort de l’iOS ! Alors oui, je vais peut être me faire jeter des tomates, oui, je vais me faire siffler ! Mais c’est comme ça ! Le côté gris de la force m’attire (noir étant Microsoft). Android 3 (la version tablette) est tellement plus sexy que la version téléphone. Je me demande ce que Google fait ?

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France