Bye bye Mediawiki

After more than 10 years using my beloved Mediawiki (, I decided to convert it into static html files and stop using Mediawiki :(. Why? Because maintaining a Mediawiki is a pain when you’re using a lot of extensions. In addition, I’m not using Mediawiki anymore at work, not really following the evolution, don’t want to keep maintaining php/mariadb/nginx and upgrading Mediawiki configuration can be complex as well. I really love markdown solutions generating static files like Hugo and I already did it whith my previous Wordpress.

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I’m an amateur photographer and I’m using an Olympus E-M1 Mark II camera. I take photos in RAW mode to be able. For those who know me, my computer is running on Linux and I’m using Geeqie to display RAW picture. It’s a very fast and powerful solution to display them. In addition of displaying them quickly, it enhances the look and I really appreciate the rendering. Here is the original image (the first one) and the redered one by Geeqie (the second one):

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Long time since my last post. This one is not very technical post, but it’s a nice to have solution if you use grep usually. Are not you fed up to type vim and search the line after a grep command ? If yes, this post is for you. First of all, you may know that an alternative more user friendly to grep exist, called ag (perf comparison). I really like ag and grep, but something make me loose my time since several years and I’m pretty sure it’s your case too.

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Some of you may not be familiar with the terms “Rolling upgrade” or “Rolling restart". This is the action of upgrading or restarting a cluster without service interruption (alias zero downtime). In most cases, this is done node by node, but in fact it depends of the technology you’re managing and the number of active nodes in your cluster. At Nousmotards we have several Java Spring Boot applications running. Restarting one application can take up to 1 min.

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As I wanted to upgrade it and because it has been asked several time, I upgraded the consul-template Ansible role to manage official binaries (and upgrades). Here are the new vars: consul_template_version:'0.11.0'consul_template_arch:'linux_amd64'consul_template_http_src:"{{consul_template_version}}/consul_template_{{consul_template_version}}_{{consul_template_arch}}.zip" You can of course find the role to Ansible Galaxy: I hope you’ll enjoy this new version :-)

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I recently had the chance to get the latest MacBookPro 13 for my new work at Criteo. If you follow me and remember, this is not the first time I want to use Debian on a new MacBookPro version. Overview History repeats itself and as you can think, some things are not working out of the box on Debian Jessie. Here are the issues I encountered and how i could fix some of them:

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Debian 8 is out ! After several months of freeze, it’s now ready. I’m really happy about that version because MySecureShell is finally available in the mainstream packages and the second thing is MariaDB available in the latest stable version (10). Unfortunately, Docker is not present because it has too fast cycles to be stable (source). Thanks to Debian teams for this amazing work once again :-)

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Pierre Mavro / Deimosfr

Qovery Co-Founder and CTO

Paris - France