Dear readers,
It’s starting to be harder and harder to write good articles every 2 days. Some of you tell me that I should make less blog posts with better quality. However others tell me that they don’t care about quality because they’ve learned something anyway.
I’m not going to make this choice by my own and prefer let this to you. That’s why I’ll be happy if you could answer to this poll:
I finally took the decision to close my both Facebook accounts. Why? You may red other kind of blog posts around that subject so I won’t repeat the same thing but I’ll resume in short sentences why I did it.
First you need to know why I had 2 Facebook accounts. The first one was my personal account with friends etc…the problem is, all information I added on my account are the property of Facebook.
One of my ex-boss talked to me about Coursera a year ago. It’s a website where you can freely learn several things from high graduated school. Most ofter, it’s technology related and I wanted to test it to learn Java.
I subscribed to 2 sessions. One for the java basics and the other one for the object oriented aspect (in french). I’ve started it a few weeks ago the first part and what I can say is, it’s very good.

Next week I’m going to teach basics computer science to future Engineers on Linux/HTML/CSS at ENSTA (Ecole Nationale des Techniques Avancées).
This is the first time I will teach to students so I hope it will as interesting as for professionals (or more) :-).
I will teach during 1 week so blog posts may slow down a little bit. Now I’m crossing fingers for this week :-p
Thanks Marc fort this experience :-)

It’s been a while since I was wondering if a Chromecast is really usefull. I bought one for a friend birthday because I knew that he would love.
After watching him playing with his new present, I was convinced to bought one for me. In fact what really convinced me is the last update which allows you, not only send specific apps to your screen, but all the screen to your TV.
Hello readers!
The numbers of readers keeps growing and I really appreciate it :-). Thanks to all followers!
You may know that I’m currently writing a book on MariaDB performances/high availability. I’m almost finish and this is the last run before the publication in September.
To give the maximum in this book , in the very short delay I have to, I need more time. The current blog post flow is: one blog post every 2 days.
Voici la liste des épisodes.
Et pour ceux qui veulent voir ce que ça donne, voici le premier épisode: